Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Walvis Bay, Namibia, Protea Hotel, Pelican bay 
Today was a rushed kind of a day. Woke up very early because I thought I'd need a Gautrain to go to the airport. Someone loved me enough to get me transport to the airport. I was so early I started shopping at Woolworths. Why wouldn't I grab the opportunity to get me a white shirt when I am in such a huge need. Then some jeans and casual top. That was money well spent. From there it was boarding to Walvis Bay, Namibia.
The airport was so dry, so  so very dry. And the dessert is just how I imagined a dessert to be. Or rather, how I see it on TV. We drove through a long dry and sandy stretch of nothingness from the airport. I continued taking pictures of the nothingness with the hope of spotting something. A tree maybe. Suddenly WATER! Lots of water! The coastline. Walvis Bay Lagoon. WHAT A CONTRAST! I an trying so hard to fall inlove with the place for now. It may happen at some point.
Today I am at Walvis Bay, Namibia.

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